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Heroes for HeartKids

One in every one hundred babies born in Australia has a heart defect.

There is no known cure.

As a parent, finding out that your child or unborn baby has a heart condition can be overwhelming. Congenital heart disease is the leading cause of death of Australian babies, and is caused by abnormal formation of the heart during foetal development. Some of the known causes of congenital heart defects include genes, environmental factors and other factors relating to maternal health. In around 8 out of 10 cases, the reason for the congenital heart defect is unknown.

HeartKids’ primary mission it to support the 64,000 Australian children, teens and adults affected by congenital heart disease to live the most fulfilling life possible and to reach their personal goals. HeartKids has supported many Drakes Team members and their families through tough times.

So, on May 31st, the Drakes Team at Hallett Cove Shopping Centre took part in the Super Boss Day challenge! Karl, Jess and their team dressed up as superheroes, children were invited to join in the fun and get their face painted and the action-packed day helped raise much-needed funds for HeartKids.

Drakes Supermarket – Super Boss Day

It's Throwback Thursday! 🔙Let's take a trip down memory lane, to Drakes Supermarket’s Super Boss Day, held on May 31st. 🦸🦹🎨We enjoyed seeing everyone get behind Drakes, to help raise awareness and much needed funds for HeartKids SA#DrakesSA #DrakesSupermarket #HallettCove #SuperBossDay

Posted by Hallett Cove Shopping Centre on Wednesday, 19 June 2019

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